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offsite link UN human rights chief calls for priority action ahead of climate summit Sat Oct 30, 2021 17:18 | Human Rights

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Parents Fearful of ?Dangerous? Risk Posed by Trans Ice Hockey Players in U.K. Women?s Leagues Sun Jun 02, 2024 19:06 | Richard Eldred
Female ice hockey players in the UK, some as young as 14, are being forced to compete against biologically male transgender competitors in women's leagues.
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offsite link Labour?s Great British Energy Suicide Note Sun Jun 02, 2024 17:00 | David Turver
Labour's energy policy just doesn't stack up, says David Turver. Better for Keir Starmer to take his Great British Energy plans, and its logo, to a darkened room with a bottle of whisky and a revolver.
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offsite link To Use Terms Like ?Global Boiling? Is Clearly Absolute Nonsense Sun Jun 02, 2024 15:00 | Hannes Sarv
Prof Ian Plimer has long railed against the climate consensus. Hannes Sarv talks to the geological gadfly about misinformation, global boiling and why the only thing renewable about renewable energy is the subsidies.
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offsite link We Should Have More Gender Categories, Says NHS Abuse Services Chief Sun Jun 02, 2024 13:00 | Richard Eldred
An NHS official is urging the organisation to embrace more gender categories, arguing that recognising diverse identities enhances inclusion and tackles inequality.
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offsite link Labour?s Skills-Based Curriculum Was a Disaster, Says Ex-Teacher. So Why Bring it Back? Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:00 | Paul Sutton
Ex-teacher Paul Sutton says Labour's 'skills-based curriculum' will be a disaster. He knows. He was forced to teach it when Labour was last in power.
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I often see Dr Anthony Fauci on TV or quoted in newspapers. It seemed a good moment to outline part of the story that I know about.

category international | health / disability issues | opinion/analysis author Saturday October 16, 2021 01:00author by 1 of Indy Report this post to the editors

This article from Dr Mike Yeadon former chief scientist at Pfizier a number of years ago presents his commentary on Dr Fauci who is the head Covid Czar in the US. He raises very serious concerns about the vaccine and whether you have been jabbed or not, it is worth reading what he had to say

Fauci is a ghastly inhuman person. Watch Cary Mullis last interviews. Scientifically, he drew a bead on Saint Fauci over the AIDS scandal. AZT (Wellcome) was a toxic drug from anti-cancer & immunosuppression research, being an analogue of the bases used in genetics. I recall being very surprised that its clinical safety profile was adequate to permit dosing in HIV/AIDS. I was a young post-doc, coincidently newly hired to research in Wellcome & watched it gain approval. I had lots of trust in institutions then.

Turns out that many American & European gay men were killed by this wretched drug (not so much of a surprise now) and billions were made, and Im sure relationships were formed between Fauci, certain drug companies & regulators, which stood in profitable stead over subsequent decades.

The PCR test for viruses was a huge turning point. Mullis repeatedly stated that it isnt an appropriate technique for diagnostics. I think it could be, under carefully calibrated conditions. It certainly is not, used as it is around the world to diagnose covid19.

Fauci slid remdesivir into treatment guidelines almost, it seems, based on his say so.

He hadnt treated patients for decades if he ever did.

Remdesivir as standard of care for covid19 resulted in huge numbers of avoidable deaths. How it is that medics appear not to know the characteristic toxicity (which includes renal function declines) & just put their patients on this stuff I dont know.

Ive personally intervened in at least three cases where remdesivir had been started in hospitalised with covid19.

Im not a medic so my approach has been to recommend the anxious relative demand an immediate second opinion. Theyre all alive. One is the husband of a friend of my sisters.

Note also that respiratory viral illness isnt obstructive. Patients can become distressed if their gas exchange is poor & theyre desaturating. But they dont need mechanical ventilation coupled with sedation. Instead, an oxygen mask or nasal cannula will often help a lot, and if it doesnt, your patient may be unsalvageable.

In U.K. the early default was sedation with excessive doses of midazolam & ventilation. Few people came back from that. U.K. health ministry had purchased two years supply of midazolam in spring 2020. The NHS had also stockpiled a years supply by hugely reducing prescriptions for it in 2018-19.

So during the Great Panic of spring 2020, they found it appropriate to burn through 3 years supply of midazolam.

Dodging protocols administered 10x usual dose. No wonder so many elderly men died. Recall the debates in U.K. parliament about whether the NHS had enough syringe drivers? These were needed to administer the fatal & inappropriate medications.

So the PCR test was intrinsically unsuitable as a diagnostic & was used to over diagnose covid19. Most subsequent deaths were either in people whod imminent death wasnt a surprise (age + pre-existing chronic illnesses) or occurred directly as a result of hopelessly inadequate medical interventions & drug treatments.

Virtually none died SOLELY because of infection with this virus. Many were murdered or st least due to unthinking medics only following orders.

Fauci was part of the suppression of emerging, effective pharmacological treatments like hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin.

How does he come to wield such power?

Money. As director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) his external budget was for Research.

Over time, Fauci became gatekeeper to huge sums which could make or break institutions in the US university estate.

Thats why very few speak out, such as Dr Peter McCullough. Hes lost everything except his medical license.

All major corporates especially the media, tech titans, financial services & pharmaceuticals, are in on whats happening evening if theyre no real insights into why its happening.

Obviously some actors do have excellent knowledge of whats happened & is due to happen. Pharma made these fraudulent gene-based vaccines and cheated their way across the regulatory agencies to obtain Emergency Use Authorisations.

Fear mongering, lies, induction of a mass psychosis in most populations, coupled with long drawn-out measures, especially masks, primed huge proportions of the population to line up to receive their vaccinations.

Despite being horribly injurious & killing scores of thousands in the USA alone, theyre closing in on herding us onto a vaccine passport platform.

Many have worked out that vaccine mandates are absurd, since most people arent at risk from this virus, but theyve no idea why.

A small number of us understand that this is about control & that if a VaxPass is required to buy food, humans will have surrendered their freedoms, forever.

Well be required to line up for regular injections in order to retain any access to their old normal lives,

Ask yourself is this the future you want for your children & grandchildren?

If you dont, then I make this sincere request of you:

If unvaccinated, NEVER comply with their demands that you get vaccinated.

If vaccinated, I hope you do not experience adverse events. But if offered back some of your freedoms in exchange for your compliance with a VaxPass scheme wherever you are, DO NOT COMPLY.

Whatever they're up to, its completely illogical to mandate an experimental treatment thats unable to prevent transmission of a virus thats no threat to most people.

If we can prevent the establishment of a common digital ID, aka vaccine passports aka VaxPass, the perpetrators can smash the economy but they wont own or control us.

Please accept the pain & considerable inconvenience of NON COMPLIANCE.

Youre preserving human freedom against totalitarian designed by international perpetrators. Evil, crooked liars, attempting a takeover of humanity, for reasons now & later that I believe include MASS DEPOPULATION.

That you.

Dr Mike Yeadon (Errors & omissions excepted)

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